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West Jamaica Conference| Shadeka Haye-Campbell

“If your church was the only church in whose hands God’s end-time mission rests, would God have a bright mission?”


Pastor Glen O. Samuels, President of the West Jamaica Conference, challenged attendees with this thought-provoking question during the Conference’s annual Officers’ Council held on January 5, 2025, at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Centre in Mt. Salem, St. James.


Over 1,000 local church leaders and newly elected officers gathered to receive guidance on effectively managing their respective departments and to be mobilized for the new year’s soul-winning and nurturing initiative: Latter Rain Mission 2025. 


This is not just another program—it is an End-time, Spirit-driven soul-winning and nurturing initiative designed to challenge every member of the West Jamaica Conference, leaders and laity alike, to be active participants in preparing the world for Christ’s soon return. The West Jamaica Conference will be partnering with the Florida Conference and the Adventist-laymen’s Services & Industries (ASI) in a united call to action, embracing both traditional and modern methods of evangelism.

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President of the West Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Pastor Glen O. Samuels, delivers a presentation on Latter Rain Mission 2025 at the annual Officers’ Council. :: Photo credit: Cordel Brown

Pastor Samuels emphasized the importance of nurturing in his address, stating, “Every department of the church must be involved in nurturing new believers. Nurturing means you must take care of those in the church. When you bring the new believers in, it nuh mek nuh sense you spend weeks, money, time, and effort to get them in, and as they get baptized, you drop them.”


Pastor Samuels also urged attendees to embrace their responsibility to connect the external community with Christ through a heart of care. “The church must be a caring church; caring for those inside and those outside. The least we can do is to help those who can’t help themselves. Let us, by God’s grace, leave this council with the caring heart of Christ,” he ended.




1. All of us, all departments of the local church, using all MEANS and all methods to bring all men to Jesus Christ


2. All Pastors and all churches intensifying all Field-Preparation strategies October 2024 to January 2025


3. All pastoral districts with at least 40 soul- winning teams (Even 25 Teams winning 1 Soul each in the first quarter of 2025


4. All Elders working with and preparing three (3) candidates for baptism on February 22, 2025


5. All Pastors conducting a 3-4 week reaping campaign in the first quarter 2025 (no reaping without sowing) 


6. All Parish Youth Federations conducting a 3-4 week campaign in their respective parish


7. All pastoral districts baptising 39 souls in the first quarter of 2025 - through witnessing Teams, Elders baptisms, Pastors church campaign, Departmental soul winning and nurturing teams and other creative soul-winning ideas by the Spirit of the Living God


8. Five Tent Campaigns in the first quarter 2025 in select prepared areas


The Council concluded with an almost palpable enthusiasm. Church leaders left inspired, equipped with strategies, and ready to serve their congregations and communities. The President’s message was clear: “It takes all of us together, using the gifts that God has given to us to get the Mission done. Unu hear wah mi say?”

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