The Ministerial Department of West Jamaica Conference exists to ennoble, affirm, and support the Pastors in fulfilling their ministerial functions, and the elders in carrying out their leadership responsibilities in the local church. Consequently, we recognize the importance of the united efforts of the local church in the fulfilment of Christ’s commission and to realize the mission to glorify God by proclaiming the everlasting gospel, meeting human needs, and discipling every believer in West Jamaica Conference. The Department thus assists the pastors, elders, leaders, and the diaconate in fulfilling this task. Therefore, they are served in the areas of Evangelism and Discipleship, Pastoral Leadership, Continuing Education, Internship, Retirees Connection, Pastoral Spousal support, PK’s Support, Local Elders Training and Development, and Deacons and Deaconesses Training and Development. They are further served through the following areas:

  1. Proclamation. Keeping the pastors ever conscious that their first calling is for the proclamation of the Word to the Church and the world, presenting Jesus as Saviour and Lord to all people regardless of race, gender, nationality, tribe, or economic status, and training and empowering our elders, leaders and members of the diaconate to do the same.
  2. Personal Growth. Encouraging pastors and elders in their personal growth, fostering a vibrant relationship with God that yield a strong sense of self-worth and pastoral mission.
  3. Professional Growth. Promoting the professional growth of pastors in the study and practice of ministry, representing their interests at the local conference, and enhancing the image of the pastoral ministry in order to attract qualified persons and keep them in its ranks. Training seminars will be continued so that the pastors, elders, leaders, and diaconate can be more fully furnished to carry forward the mission of the Church. These training seminars will allow the opportunity for elders, leaders and the diaconate to be more fully furnished to carry out the duties of leadership in the local church.
  4. Church Growth. Enabling pastors and elders to nurture their congregations so they may be centres of loving concern, dynamic evangelism, and the presence of the living Lord.


This is a series of seminars intentionally designed to equip church officers (old and new) for quality service. It provides cutting edge, biblical approaches in church leadership while developing the skill set of those who have committed themselves to the sacred duty of leadership. Deeper synergy is formed through the interaction of departmental directors of the conference and the counterparts within the conference territory.

Parish Seminars:
This is a quarterly seminar/consultation held in each parish with elders and other officers who would meet with the Ministerial Secretary and their counterpart directors. It provides added training in leadership, facilitates one-to-one interaction and rapport, and facilitates the sharing of best practices in ministry leadership at the local Church.

C.E.L.P. - Church Elders and Lay Preachers Online Evangelistic Series:
This is the annual conference-wide online evangelistic series for elders and lay preachers which involves two of our elders/lay preachers speaking for two weeks. The main field preparation strategy involves elders/leaders preparing candidates in their locale for baptism during the series.


Photo of Vencot Dyer

Vencot Dyer

Ministerial Secretary

Photo of Anna Kay Williams

Anna Kay Williams

Administrative Staff

Web Resources

www.pastorsiad.org: This website caters to the training and certification of Pastors and to the management of the discipleship program of the Church in the Interamerican Division.

www.everyelderinvolved.com: This website is supplementary to the pastoriad.org platform that caters to the training and certification of elders and the discipleship program of the Church.

www.gcevangelism.org: This website provides Sermonic and Evangelistic training resources that may be accessed by both Pastors and Elders./p>

www.ministerialassociation.org/: This website provides information, direction and updates for the pastors and elders.

www.adventistbiblicalresearch.org/: This website provides cutting edge research material for the astute bible student interested in deeper studies of the Word.

www.adventist.org/official-statements/: This link provides clarity on many current and debatable issues and clarifies the official position of the Seventh-day Adventist church on these matters.

www.ministrymagazine.org/: The Ministry Magazine is a monthly subscription that provides current cutting edge theological resources and pastoral tools for Ministers.

Adventistreview.org/issues/: The Adventist Review is a monthly subscription and is the flagship magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that shares global news and articles to affirm the faith of believers.

www.adventistworld.org/: The Adventist World Magazine is a monthly subscription that shares news from around the Adventist community around the world..


Email Address: ministerial@westjamaica.org

Telephone: 1 (876) 656-7800 Extensions: 4545 and/or 4546