The West Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists rolled out the red carpet in January…not for celebrities, but for God’s faithful servants. Under the theme “Anointed to Lead, Inspired to Serve,” the Ministerial Awards Banquet honored 50 outstanding ministers whose dedication to evangelism, stewardship, and pastoral administration left an indelible mark on the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 2023 and 2024.
Throughout the evening, pastors were recognized for their exceptional contributions in three key areas: Evangelism, Stewardship, and Pastoral Administration. When asked what distinguishes a truly outstanding pastor, Pastor Vencot Dyer, Ministerial Director of the West Jamaica Conference, emphasized the importance of both spiritual leadership and compassionate service.
"An outstanding pastor is one who leads his church into qualitative and quantitative growth and exudes an attitude of care for the parishioners he serves."
Looking ahead, Pastor Dyer shared his vision for the future of pastoral ministry, acknowledging the need for adaptability while remaining grounded in biblical truth.
“Pastoral ministry has to become a more diverse and dynamic environment to meet the needs of the future generation. So while we will stick to the doctrinal purity of the church, the methodologies must adapt to the needs and realities of the time.”
Pastor Kimoy Allan (left), Pastor of the Santa Cruz District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches, receives the Evangelism award from Pastor Glen O. Samuels (right), president of WJC. :: Photo credit: Cordel Brown
The honorees expressed humility and gratitude for the recognition, attributing their success to God’s leading. Commenting on the responsibility that comes with the call to ministry, Pastor Delgardo Black, the top evangelism awardee for 2023, shared his thoughts on what drives his passion for soul-winning:
“I love people and I want to see as many as possible saved. That’s my motivation. It is something that I love and it’s a joy for me to do.”
Reflecting on his evangelistic approach in 2024, which resulted in 118 baptisms, Pastor Kimoy Allen, the top evangelism awardee for the year, highlighted the power of personal connections in spreading the gospel.
“I encouraged the members to reach out to their family and friends. It was a one-to-one strategy; every family involved in mission.”
When asked what advice he would give to fellow ministers seeking to be more effective in soul-winning, Pastor Allen emphasized the importance of persistence and engagement.
“Just be consistent. Soul winning takes time so be consistent with visitations and always encourage your members.”
The lineup of recipients of the evangelism awards also included Elder Michael Henry, who led 120 souls to Christ through baptism in 2023. In the area of stewardship, Pastor Jonathan Myrie, Communication Director of the West Jamaica Conference and a 2023 Stewardship Award recipient, stressed that stewardship goes beyond finances; it is “our life response to God’s faithfulness” he said.
He continued, "In encouraging church members, the task is to help them recognize that all that we are and all that we have, we owe it to God. He provides all our resources, so in response to God’s love and faithfulness to us, we respond in gratitude to Him by being faithful stewards of all that He has entrusted to us."
Pastor Jonathan Myrie (left), Communication Director of WJC, receives his award from President Pastor Glen O. Samuels (center), Pastor Vincent Rose (right), Executive Secretary of WJC looks on. :: Photo credit: Cordel Brown
Also in attendance from West Jamaica Conference were: Pastor Glen O. Samuels, President; Pastor Vincent Rose, Executive Secretary, and Mrs. Marion Barrett-Popkin Treasurer. Representing the Jamaica Union Conference were Pastor Joseph Smith; Vice President and Ministerial Secretary, and Pastor Adlai Blythe, Treasurer. The following Pastors were awarded for their achievements in 2023:
Evangelism- Pastors Delgardo Black, Pastor Euzel Parkes, Romeca Anderson, Andre Johnson, Jermane McBean, Christopher Johnson, Kimoy Allen, Devon Heath, Rabbi Brown, Donald Hill, Jepheth Williams, Deron Miller, Peter Gordon Aldin Mowatt, Albert White, James Sonlin, Andre Wallace, Maurice McGhie, Howard Morgan, Flecon Moodie, Michael Parkins, Arton Wedderburn, Oshane Stone, Rockey Blair, Throy Jones, and Trevor Reid.
Stewardship- Pastors Jonathan Myrie, Chadrick Cunningham,Euzel Parkes, Romeca Anderson, Maurice McGhie, Trevor Reid, Dewayne Roberts, Wayne Clarke, Throy Davis, Owen Grant, Dewayne Thompson, Jermane McBean, Horace Locke, Throy Jones, Kimoy Allen, Rockey Blair, Osrick Page, Michael Parkins, Delbert Brown, and Devon Heath.
Pastoral Administration- Pastors Oshane Stone, Euzel Parkes, Owen Grant, Japheth Williams, Wayne Clarke, Dwayne Thompson, Michael Parkins, and Wilton Bygrave.
The following Pastors were awarded for their achievements in 2024:
Evangelism- Pastors Kimoy Allen, Euzel Parkes, Allan Green, Stephen Drummond, Owen Grant, Orlando Powell, Rockey Blair, Jonathan Myrie, Flecon Moodie, Dwayne Thompson, Michael Dixon, Kiesan Jemieson, Ziggario Richards, Jermane McBean, Horace Locke, Donald Smith, Delbert Brown, Romeca Anderson, Vincent Rose, Arton Wedderburn, Aldin Mowatt, Jahvayne Billings, Kristoff Hyman, and Oshane Stone.
Stewardship- Pastors Kiesan Jemieson, Dewayne Roberts, Wayne Clarke, Jermane McBean, and Delgardo Black.
Pastoral Administration- Pastors Donald Hill, Oshane Whyte, Norman Thompson, Owen Grant, Dwayne Thompson, James Sonlin, Michael Parkins, Horace Locke, Wayne Clarke, and Wilton Bygrave.